Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Days

Some parents find that a report card with A’s and B’s on it bring smiles to their faces. For a mom who has a son with eosinophilic esophagitis a picture of his esophagus that is all shiney and happy looking makes me grin ear to ear.

Austin as usual charmed the nurses and pleased the doctors. We traveled on Monday morning for his scope later that day. He was so good during the flight. He impressed me with his patience. When he has a scope he may not eat for a majority of the day. In this case he was allowed cereal in the morning and clear liquids until noon. Then he was unable to eat again until after his procedure. His procedure was scheduled for 4:30. That is a very long time for a 7 year old to go without food. I know that I would be cranky for that amount of time on top of traveling for the day.

However, after the scope I met with the doctor, who also had a smile on his face. He said that everything looked good and he appeared to ready to take on a new food. Because of the osteopenia the doctor and I decided that milk was a good place to start. However, we need to wait until after the biopsies come back from the lab.

So keep those finger crossed that Austin is able to start eating icecream.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fingers Crossed

Austin and I are off to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital once again. Hard to believe that it has been 3 months since our first visit. Austin has been on the new medicine routine since then. Which was an increased dosage of steroids in the evening and at night, previcid and the elimination of eggs, soy, wheat, dairy, fish, wheat and nuts.

Today at 4:30 he gets a scope. With any luck, if things look good the team that oversees him will give him back some foods. Of course he won't have the opportunity to get back eggs, nuts or fish but maybe milk or wheat. The results won't be back in for a few days. Maybe we will have a ice-cream social to celebrate.

Austin was an army man for Halloween. Obviously he ate something that disagreed with him because while running late for the airport Austin decided to lose his stomach contents in my car. He is a trooper! He ran inside, tears in his eyes, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes and we were off to the airport.