Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yeah for Soy!

We went to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital on the 26th through the 28th. We were trialing soy since our last visit. It continues to be difficult to assess his progress with the addition in his diet. However, the results came back with no eosinophils. Which means, he can move on to wheat trials, which last four months, while eating soy.

They also did a dexa scan, which looks at his bone density. Last year when it was done he was at a -2%. For those of you who don’t know what that means, he is in the negative percentile from other children around his age. They like him to be in the range of 40% to 60%. When tested again he was in the same percentile. He will need to ingest more vitamin D in order to combat the problem with the bone density.

Other than that, Austin has had an exciting summer break already. We went to Disney 4 weekends ago and he started at the Palm Beach Recreation Center. Yesterday they went canoeing, tomorrow they are off to Rapids Water Park and then they cap the week off with a movie. I think I might consider summer camp myself.

Please review the list of allowed food items on the right as well as his medication list.