Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Place for Austin

There was a NEWS broadcast this morning on FOX about a boy with eosinophilic esophagitis. His mother created a blog to keep her family members abreast of Sy and his disease. (http://www.wflx.com/Global/story.asp?S=13067614) What a great idea! I have created a site for Austin and I will post new information about his treatments. I have also put a list of the foods Austin is not allowed to have on the left hand side of the page. If you forget, you can come back and review the list again.

The url for Austin’s site is sabosee.blogspot.com. Sabosee stands for Sabos eosinophilic esophagitis. Please bookmark this page so that you can reference back to it as I post new information.


  1. Erin, may I recommend that you also include a list of foods that Austin can have?

    Not just ingredients, but also store-bought items. What are some of his favorite allowable foods? If you post them, people can know what goodies they can bring over, for example. I would hate to come for a visit to your mom's and bring something that Austin can't share with JC and Karsyn.

  2. Navigating through Austin’s diet is less then fun. It is hard to know what to bring. I try to bring things for him so he doesn’t feel left out. Vegetables and fruit are always safe bets for Austin. If you want to hype him up on sugar then sugary candies are good. Like Starbursts, Skittles, Laffy Taffy. If you want to be adventurous and bake something than on the left hand side there is a Must Have section. That will take you to a website of a woman that bakes foods that Austin can eat. However, baking for him is an investment of time, energy and money. So I would stick to fruits, veggies and sugar. 
